Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tomino Cheese

Braised radicchio with pan seared tomino cheese (radicchio brasato con tomino appena sfuso, saltato in padella). It's a perfect meal served with a nice crusty bread. Tomino cheese looks like a tiny Brie cheese and when pan seared it melts in the middle and has a lovely crunchy, golden brown exterior.
Tomino is a fresh, soft cheese from the Piedmont region. It's a DOP (Denomination of Protected Origin) cheese. In other words production is highly controlled, and the Piedmont region guarantees adherence to strict, traditional methods of production.
Try it as an appetizer too! Pan seared, drizzled with honey and topped with walnuts. Or with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and arugula. Be creative; the possibilities are endless...

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